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Community Involvement: Social Action Team Projects

The Community Involvement: Social Action Team...
Join the Team and/or participate in any or all of the worthwhile projects that it spearheads.
Come be a part of Mekor Shalom's commitment to engage in acts of Tikkun Olam, Repairing the World.  Your participation makes a difference!  
Extra! Extra!  Read All About It to Residents of Weinberg Village!
This program is currently on hold.  Through the Community Involvement: Social Action Team (CI/SA), volunteers readi newspaper articles to Weinberg Village residents one Sunday a month, from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.  
If you would like to take a Sunday morning or two or three, please click here for a link to Weinberg's Volunteer Opportunity Form.   
Have questions? Please feel free to email Jim Jacobs.  
Mekor Shalom's Ongoing TJFS Food Drive: Do You Have Any...?
Please bring in items for the food drive benefiting the Tampa Jewish Family Services Food Bank. 
Items always needed for clients of the food bank include peanut butter, dried beans, rice, tuna, and cereal and may be dropped off at Mekor Shalom.  
Want to get involved? Interested in sharing ideas, suggestions, or questions?  Super! Please be in touch!
Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785